Create your own colouring in page

colouring in page.jpg

What you will need:

  • A piece of cardboard or newspaper - something to go behind your piece of paper so if the sharpie goes through the paper it does not leave a mark on the table

  • Paper

  • A black sharpie

    Optional -

  • Watercolour palette and paint brush

  • Textas and/or coloured pencils and/or oil pastels

Colouring in .jpg

What to do:

Using the black sharpie on a piece of paper spend some time drawing a line picture, meaning you can make any drawing but try to avoid colouring in it with the marker at this stage. After completing your drawing step back and ask yourself, “is there any more objects I can draw into my picture, so that it can be coloured in?,” add what you want to add.

Perfect, you’ve created your very own colouring in page. Now to colour it in. You have a variety of materials you could use to do this. For example you could start with the oil pastels, add watercolours and finish with textas once the water colours dry or you could just use coloured pencils or textas, it is completely up to you as to how you would like to colour your page in.

Extension ideas:

A line drawing could also be the perfect opportunity to use collage materials. Instead of colouring in, different material could be glued down to ‘colour the space in’.

You might even consider handing over your colouring in page to someone in your family to work on and ask them to create a colouring in page for you to colour in.